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Dungeons & Dragons

- Tournament v.3.5 -


Game sessions 10th and 11th nov. 2023


Tournament Regulations

The adventure titled "An Ancient Threat" is the centerpiece of the team-based Dungeons & Dragons tournament hosted by the "Quelli del DED" Group at the Monte San Savino Show 2023 event.

The tournament will occur on Friday, November 10th, and Saturday, November 11th, utilizing the Dungeons & Dragons version 3.5 rule system.

Teams of 4 to 5 players can take part. These teams should have characters ready to play (pre-built and organized into two distinct selectable groups, as detailed in the "Characters" section). The adventure is designed to engage both experienced players and newcomers to this role-playing game.

Registration requirements

The registration fee is €10. Anyone can register, but a basic familiarity with the rules of the Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Player's Handbook is required.

Ranking and prizes

The tournament will award prizes to the top three ranked groups, with each group receiving a prize. Additionally, every individual player will receive a participation prize.

Formation of Player Groups

  1. Players will be organized into maximum of 4 groups.

  2. Each group can consist of 4 to 5 players.

  3. Individual players or groups with less than 4 players can also register, but they can participate only if they can be added to other groups or individuals in a way that maintains a group size of at least 4 players.

  4. A designated Team Captain within each group will handle communication, material distribution, and interaction with the organizers. This Captain must provide a contact number (WhatsApp) upon designation.

  5. Registrations close on November 6th, 2023, or when all available "Game Sessions" are filled, as detailed below

  6. During registration, the Team Captain must provide the group's name, participant names, chosen character group, a contact for communication (as indicated in point 4), and the preferred session time (day and time range within the available slots).

  7. All groups must be present at the game room an hour before their assigned session to confirm registration and prepare for the session.

    Game Sessions

    Each game session will last a maximum of 2 hours, whether for the whole session or a portion of it.Friday, November 10th, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM – 1st Daily Session

Friday, November 10th, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM – 2nd Daily Session

Saturday, November 11th, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM – 1st Daily Session

Saturday, November 11th, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM – 2nd Daily Session

Sunday, November 12th, 12:00 PM – Award Ceremony

Evaluation criteria

The assessment method aims to ensure consistent and unbiased judgment by the Dungeon Master and Co-Master. The criteria will evaluate adventure progression, role-playing quality, and game experience, considering both individual players and the group as a whole, following the guidelines of Dungeons & Dragons 3.5.


During registration, the Team Captain will choose one of two available character groups, both at 6th level (as explained in point 6):

Group 1





Optional character for 5th player: Monk

Group 2





Optional character for 5th player: Bard

These pre-made characters will be fully prepared (race, abilities, skills, feats, and/or powers) and equipped by the organizers. Character sheets (at 6th level) will be provided to the group an hour before the session starts, during the presentation to the organizers.

to participate write to:

Team tournament organized at the Monte San Savino Show 2023, "Palazzo Galletti" 

(Gamurrini square)

10/11/2023 and 11/11/2023

Dungeons & Dragons Tourney
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